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My Book Recommendations for You

"Study the Self, discover the Divine." 
- Patanjali Yoga Sutras 2:44

Here you can find a list of some of my favorite books that might help you find clarity on your spiritual path - and in life in general. Especially in the beginning of our spiritual journey we might feel alone, confused and misunderstood. Books can help you to find stability on the road. While diving deeper into the scriptures you get the chance to know yourself (svādhyāya).

With knowledge (jñāna) comes liberation (moksha).

Aiyana, Sheleana

Becoming The One. Heal Your Past, Transform Your Relationship Patterns, and Come Home to Yourself.

[It's a wonderful book to get to know your very own patterns - not only when romantic relationships, but also relationships with friends and with yourself. This book truly helped me to understand my own behavior and reactions better and helped me to understand why certain situations kept on repeating themselves over and over again.]

Barks, Coleman

The Essential Rumi

BKS Iyengar

Light on Pranayama 

Light on Yoga

Light on The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

[I personally wouldn't recommend this book if you're not familiar with the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali yet.]

B.K.S. Iygengar Yoga - The Path to Holistic Health 

[Absolutely recommend this book. It covers philosophy, a short biography of Iyengar, and multiple asanas including the use of props, as well as asanas for certain situations (like stress, menstrual pain, etc.).]

Bryant, Edwin F.

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 

[This is definitely not a quick read. It has a very extensive commentary (sometimes a bit repetitive) and it might need quite a bit of dedication to finish. In my opinion, the vast commentary makes me forget about the actual meaning of the Sutra itself - but that's just my opinion :) ]

The Shiva Sutras

[Nicely written and fairly easy to understand. Chaudhri doesn't beat about the bush and gets to the point quickly.]

Yoga in the Kashmir Tradition: The Art of Listening: Following the Teachings of Jean Klein

Easwaran, Eknath

[I'm a very big fan of Easwarans books in general. They are beautifully written and easy to understand. His books had a huge influence on me and guided me through my initial phase in spirituality. They still have a huge impact on me, and probably always will.]

The Bhagavad Gita 

[Probably my favorite commentary on the BG. Short and precise, easy to understand.]

Compassionate Universe [That was the first thing I've read from Easwaran. Very inspiring book which he wrote in the 80's, but it (sadly) still applies to today.]

Conquest of Mind

Dhammapada [Wonderful introduction into Buddhism.]

Gandhi the Man

The Mantram Handbook

The Upanishads

Feuerstein, Georg

The Deeper Dimension of Yoga. Theory and Practice. 

[Incredible book that covers the vast subject of yoga. It's perfect for beginners, as well as advanced sadhakas. Wholeheartedly recommended!

"Liberation, or enligthenment, is not a thing to be attined or acquired. It is a living in the moment from the most profound understanding and without egoic attachment to anything." p 87]

Tantra. The Path of Ecstasy. 

[Gives you a great introduction into tantra (NOT neo-tantra!). Tantra is about bliss (ananda) and not, as Feuerstein puts it: "ordinary orgasmic pleasure". The purpose is to attain liberation for oneself, in order to benefit all living beings.]

Harari, Yuval Noah

Sapiens. A Brief History Of Humankind. 

[Beautifully written and brings one down to earth by reminding us how short a time our species has graced this planet, and how insignificant we actually are.]

Kempton, Sally

Awakening Shakti: The Transformative Power of the Goddesses of Yoga

Klein, Jean

Be Who You Are 

[With only 101 pages this book is not a a quick read. It goes very deep and one should be in an open state to really let the words sink in. I love to just get back to this book on a regular, open a random page and dwell upon its meaning.

"Emptiness, rest and relaxation further a state which allows truth to arise. Thus it may be seen that any search, if it is to be fruitful, always requires the same fundamental attitude of deep, humble, choice-free listening. [...] When we put ourselves in a state of attention without tension, a whole new range of sensations appears." - Klein p 83 & 87]


Can Humanity Change? 

[This is one of my all-time favorite books. This book was created in dialogue with his students and well known Buddhist scholars. If you decide to read it, take your time and let the information sink in. Maybe you realize, that the information you gain here doesn't feel new to you at all, but rather that Krishnamurti is reminding you of something that you have forgotten over the years.]

Commentaries on Living - First Series

[A mind burdened with becoming can never be tranquil.]

Total Freedom. 

[I'm not completely done with this book yet. In my opinion it is better to take it slow with this one, to reread the talks multiple times and to truly let them sink in.]

Maehle, Gregor

Ashtanga Yoga. Practice & Philosophy. 

[I can't describe in words how thankful I am that Maehle wrote this book. It is one of my all-time-favourites and I can't recommend it enough! The first part of the book focuses on the different asanas of the Ashtanga Primary Series. Here you can really dive deeper into the bodies anatomy and find new queues that will bring your practice to a whole new level. This is my favorite book when it comes to asana alignment for sure. The second part consists of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali with an easy to understand commentary. What I like about the commentary is, that it is short and focuses on the sutra itself, so that the essence of the sutra won't get lost (unlike some other commentaries).]

Pranayama. The Breath of Yoga. 

[I can absolutely recommend this book for beginners as well as for experienced practitioners. Gregor Maehle manages to convey the contents of old texts and teachings from various known scholars in an understandable way and his knowledge seems unlimited. In recent years I have been lucky to attend a number of pranayama courses with Indian scholars, but because of various reasons (language barrier, etc.) some of my questions remained unanswered. This has changed now with the help of his book.]

Ashtanga Yoga -  Intermediate Series - Mythology, Anatomy & Practice


Yoga Meditation - Through Mantra, Chakra & Kundalini to Spiritual Freedom

Samadhi - The Great Freedom

Bhakti - The Yoga of Love

Maharshi, Ramana

Who Am I? (Nan Yar?) 

[Wonderful introduction into self-inquiry and the benefits of stillness. Super short book - recommend to read and repeat it frequently, to let the message sink in.]

The Collected Works of  Ramana Maharshi

Mistry, Rohinton

A Fine Balance


Geistestraining durch Achtsamkeit: Die buddhistische Satipatthana-Methode

Buddhistisches Wörterbuch: Kurzgefasstes Handbuch der buddhistischen Lehren und Begriffe in alphabetischer Anordnung

Ott, Ulrich

Yoga für Skeptiker

[Great examples and easy to understand. I think it's only available in German tho. Hit me up if you're interested to read it in english, I'm currently writing a short english commentary on it.]

Rahula, Walpola

What the Buddha taught.

[Highly recommend if you want to learn about Theravada Buddhism.]

Shafak, Elif

The Forty Rules of Love

Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Asana Pranayama Mudra Banhda

Four Chapters on Freedom

Yoga Nidra [If you're interested to learn more about the Yogic Sleep.]

Bhikkhu Silaratano

Mae Chee Kaew: Her Journey to Spiritual Awakening & Enlightenment

Singer, Michael A.

Untethered Soul - The Journey Beyond Yourself

[I can't recommend this book enough! I read it in English, and then once more in German 'Die Seele Will Frei sein - Eine Reise zu sich selbst' (which is my mother tongue) because I REALLY didn't want to miss a thing haha "Wer sein Leben der Schmerzvermeidung widmet, dem ist der Schmerz immer dicht auf den Fersen. [...] Sie werden jedoch niemals frei sein, ehe Sie nicht den Punkt erreichen, an dem Sie bereit sind, den ursprünglichen Schmerz loszulassen, anstatt ihm aus dem Weg zu gehen. [...] Jedes der Vermeidung von Schmerz dienende Verhaltensmuster öffnet dem Schmerz selbst Tür und Tor. [...] Sie müssen dort sein, wo die Anspannung und der Schmerz sind, und dann entspannen Sie sich und gehen noch tiefer. [...] Wenn Sie den Schmerz nicht wollen, warum schließen Sie ihn dann nach allen Seiten ein und behalten ihn?" - Singer p 144-148]

Swami Sivananda

Kirtan - Sivananda Book of Chants

[This book also has a good short introduction about the major Hindu Goddesses and Gods.]

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita

[Very extensive commentary, a little repetitive at times, but easy to understand.]

Stone, Michael

The Inner Tradition of Yoga

[Stone had a talent for presenting the subject in an understandable way. Also a good read for newbies to this topic.]

Suzuki, Shunryu

Zen Mind, Beginners Mind

[Wonderful introduction into Zen Buddhism which will benefit your mindfulness practice.]

Tolle, Eckhart

The Power of Now 

[All time classic and understandably written.]

A New Earth

Thubten, Gelong

A Monks Guide to Happiness

[It's a while ago that I've read this book, but I remember that it got me quite hooked.]

Vaughan-Lee, Llewellyn

Travelling the Path of Love : Sayings of Sufi Masters

[Wonderful quotes by Rumi, Hafiz, Ibn Arabi and other Sufi Mystics]

Swami Vivekananda

The Complete Book of Yoga

[This might not be the easiest to understand for total beginners (lots of Sanskrit terms), but with a bit of dedication and the help of the internet you'll gain a greater understanding on the subject.]

Yoga Sutra Patanjali

[One of my favorite commentaries on the Patanjali Yoga Sutras. It has about 127 pages and is therefore not as massive as some other commentaries - but it transmits exactly the core, which is great. The translation of the Sutras itself is also quite on spot (some authors get very creative with words when it comes to translation of sanskrit haha).]

Vivekananda, Rishi Dr.

Practical Yoga Psychology 

[This was one of my first books on Yoga and it felt a bit overwhelming at times - once you're more into this topic and the yogic terms it is easier to understand.]

Wallis, Christopher D.

Tantra Illuminated: The Philosophy, History, and Practice of a Timeless Tradition

Welwood, John

Toward a Psychology of Awakening : Buddhism, Psychotherapy, and the Path of Personal and Spiritual Transformation

[Welwood is a Psychologist who doesn't throw around much with cryptical terms and explains the subject understandably. I might not agree with everything he says, but it's a great book nontheless. I like his approach and his analogies.]

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“Through practice comes Yoga, through Yoga comes Knowledge, through Knowledge Love,

and through Love Bliss.”


-Swami Vivekananda

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